Friday, March 27, 2015

Pink Slime

Pink slime is not healthy to eat because it’s made of two ingredients that you won’t believe. Pink slime is injected with ammonia and cows parts that nobody wants. Where does this product go to?

Pink slime is a mixture of cow’s parts that nobody wants and chemicals such as ammonia to keep it fresh. L.A times states in the article “pink slime is back question”, that “lean, finely textured beef”. Those four word is another mean for “pink slime”. It’s actually in our school lunches. It’s in our hamburger. It contains ammonia. Weren't you raised to not to mess with ammonia when you were a kid. Is this product used across the U.S?

Why is the government letting that product be consume in school lunches? The article “pink slime returns to school lunches in four more states” from Bill Tomson say that “new government data shows school in four or more states are concerns and resumed buying the product”. It shows how they don’t care what students eat in there school lunches at school. I think students should have more options to different types of foods.

Should pink slime be a big deal? The article “pink slime in ground beef: what’s the big deal” from cbs news say that, “recent report that up to  15% of beef found in children’s  school lunches contain the colorful – sounding stuff”. One industry official estimates it is in at least half of U. S ground meat and burgers. I believe that’s pretty wrong of them for letting the government for letting pink slime be mix with ground beef.

Now that you know that pink slime is made of cow parts that nobody wants and then use ammonia to fluff it. Also for keeping it fresh. You want this product in your children’s school lunches.  You want that, because I don’t. We should do something and stop the production
Increasing production of pink slime is raising the price of beef alone in 2014. The consumer price decrease cpi for beef is up 10 % for 2014. I think eating less beef will cause the production of pink slime.

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