Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Anorexia Nervosa

            Anorexia has the highest death rate of any metal illness. Anorexia Nervosa effects your body because it can develop in adolescence, which leads to brittle bones and loss of heart muscle.
          One negative effect of Anorexia is that it harms a person’s emotional and physical health. Smith states in the article titled “Anorexia Nervosa” that “Anorexia is an attempt to control your life and emotions”(Shaw, 2015). In addition Smith states in “Anorexia Nervosa” that “Those who survive the disorder can have damage to almost every body system” (Smith, 2015). Some people don’t feel good about their body image, and instead of losing weight in a healthy way and exercising they choose not to eat.
       Another negative effect anorexia has is that it damages the heart. Shaw states in the article entitled “Anorexia Nervosa Health Center that, “People that have anorexia lose muscle mass, which leads to losing heart muscle at a preferential rate, your pulse and blood pressure get lower” (Shaw, 2015). This is very dangerous. You need your heart to keep you alive. If you don’t have a healthy heart, your entire body will be sick and you could eventually die. But can this be condition be treated?
          Is there medication to treat the illness of anorexia? Shaw states in the article entitled “Anorexia Nervosa Health Center” that, “There is no medication for anorexia” (Shaw, 2015).  Although antidepressants may help the depression, it won’t make a person with anorexia change. Wells states in the article titled “Eating disorder statistics” that “People that have anorexia only 30% have partially recovered” (Wells, 2015). Anorexia is very complex and you need a lot of counseling. I feel like peer pressure and society’s pressure about body image in teens really contribute to anorexia and is dangerous.
Shaw, G. (2015).  Anorexia Nervosa Health Center. WebMD.com.
             Retrieved on 
March  9, 2015 from www.webmd.com/mental-

Smith, M. (February, 2015). Anorexia Nervosa. Help Guide.org. 
              Retrieved on March 6, 2015 from www.helpguide.org/
Wells. C. (2015). Eating disorders statistics. Andd. Retrieved 
              on March 10, 2015 from http://www.andd.org/get-


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