Friday, March 27, 2015

Mass Produced Foods

            Mass producing Foods has become a booming industry that makes a lot of profit. But do people know how badly this processed food affects them? Processed foods are very unhealthy for human consumption and for the environment. Manufacturers have to take down many trees and remove wildlife to acquire space to build their factories.
            Mass produced foods contain many chemicals to make the food taste normal and to be able to make more of the food. Most meats and patties for fast food restaurants start off with a mash of meats called “pink slime”. Pink slime is meat that has been ground up and washed down with ammonium hydroxide. The buns in most fast food places like McDonalds, have; “Enriched Flour (Bleached Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), High Fructose Corn Syrup” (Robin Konie, 2012) And that’s only a few of the ingredients used in just the patty. These few added ingredients are bad for your health like High Fructose Corn Syrup. High Fructose corn syrup is bad for you because it can cause obesity and disease if eaten too much. Enriched flour is another added ingredient, it add extra calories that the body doesn’t need, and the consumer gains more pounds.
            Fast foods have negative effects on your body as it can affect your mood, blood pressure, make you bloated, raise your cholesterol, shortened breath, can make you feel depressed, and gain weight quickly through the many calories they contain. The calories can clog up arteries and veins which could then lead to a bypass surgery. A bypass surgery is when doctors take a segment of a vein from your leg and take out the clogged artery or vein on the heart and replace it with the vein from the leg. This is bad because if you have gotten the surgery that could mean you eat a lot of fat, and it could have given you the heart attack that killed you.
            As most of the people know now, fast food is made quickly to please the costumers and their stomachs. But the way fast food is made, is worse if you know what really goes on in the production of these foods. Fast food comes from mass production factories, and the process to make the foods includes adding many chemicals. But what is Food Processing? “Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer. Food processing typically involves activities such as mincing and macerating, liquefaction, cooking, canning or jarring (primary-processing such as dicing or slicing, freezing or drying when leading to secondary products are also included)”. That’s a lot that goes into just producing the foods, a lot of the processes is very bad for you. In most of these processes chemicals are added in so the foods can taste normal or better. Once all that is over, the product is then frozen and shipped out to the buyers.
            Healthy alternatives to eating fast foods could lead to a healthier lifestyle. Instead of eating a burger at a fast food joint like McDonalds, Burger king or Jack in the Box, you can pick up some fruits and vegetables, or go to an organic market, and cook up something to eat in your home. Homemade food is much healthier than eating out, because you know what is going in to your stomach and what you’re eating. Some organic foods might be pricey, but it’s always better eating healthy, than paying bills from the hospital because of unhealthy eating habits.

Boyle, P, 2014 “Industrial Meat” PBS March 11, 2015,
Wilson, T, (8/22/06) “How Fast Food Works” How stuff works 3/6/2015 \

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