Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mass Produced Milk

The milk industry is a growing business that makes a lot of people sick. Scientists have found serious risks to humans that has to do with the consumption of milk such as: chemicals, weight gain, and cancer. The mass production of milk also injures cows.                                                                                                            
Mass produced milk is made from more than just cow’s milk. The article “Who knew this cocktail of up to 20 chemicals was in your glass?” from says that Researchers believe that some of the drugs and growth promoters were given to the cattle or got into milk through cattle feed or contamination on the farm.  “There are a lot of chemicals we consume in one cup of milk.”  It was revealed that cow’s milk contained traces of anti- inflammatory drugs niflumic acid, mefenamic acid and ketoprofen, also it was found that milk contained the hormone 17-beta- estradiol.  Some of these drugs were given to the cow directly, others were most likely ingested from the food. Cow’s milk contains the highest levels of chemicals. All of these chemicals that we consume affects us. Milk contains increased levels of the hormone IGF-1, which promotes cancer tumors. Excess levels of IGF-1 have been incriminated as major causes of breast, colon, and prostate cancers. Hormone use induces an unnatural period of milk production during a cow's negative energy phase. It contains increased somatic cell counts, meaning the milk contains more pus, which makes it turn sour more quickly. And consumers end up drinking all those chemicals and pus in our milk.          

Consumption of milk is not good for human’s health. Dr. Hyman states in the article entitled “Milk is Dangerous for your Health” that, milk contains some allergic proteins. “Mass produced milk affects us.” Harvard Scientists have found serious risks that has to do with the consumption of milk including weight gaining, increased risk of cancer, and increased fracture risk. Milk can cause constipation of milk, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas, diarrhea, allergies, eczema, and acne. Hybridized cows have been genetically altered, which creates higher chance of inflammation, autoimmune disease, and possibly type 1 diabetes. "Not only does mass produced milk affect us, it affects cows as well." Cows live in crowded pens or barns with concrete floors. Milking machines often cut them and cause other injuries. Some give them electrical shocks which cause extreme pain and even death. Dairy cows are forced to produce 10 times more milk than they would produce in nature. As a result, they experience numerous health problems.                                                                                                           

Cows are abused for the use of their milk. The article "The Industrial Milk Factory" from "" states that, cows use to live for about 17 to 20 years, and now they barely live up to 5 years. "Cows are forced to produce milk." They get sent to get their milked squeezed out as much as possible by farmers, then get sent to get slaughtered. Before cows use to weigh less and they would produce around 28 quarts of milk, now they weigh more and produce around 76 quarts a day. The number of dairy cows began to decrease over time, it went from 18 million animals to 8.5 million. Because cows became sick, most cows got infected with the diseases of the milk factories. Cow’s milk is forced out of the udders, which causes inflammation to the cow’s udders, which leads to mastitis, a bacterial infection. Then the cow’s udders are disinfected with antibiotics to kill the bacteria. And those antibiotics contaminate the milk, which is hazardous to consumers.                                                                                                                                                   
 Instead of drinking milk there are healthier alternatives for consumers. The article “Milk, Minus the Cow” from says that there are different types of milk that are healthier such as: Almond Milk, Hemp Milk, Coconut Milk, Rice Milk, and Soy Milk. These are much healthier choices for you because almond milk has vitamin A, E and D also Calcium. Hemp milk has naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids—wonder nutrients for your heart, brain, and mood. Coconut milk has the least amount of sodium and can be fairly low-calorie. And, most brands are fortified with half a day's worth of vitamin B12, a brain-boosting nutrient. Rice milk offers carbs to fuel and fluid to hydrate, and like a sports drink, it's a good source of electrolytes. And Soy milk has almost as much protein as cow's milk, and it has plant chemicals that may help inhibit absorption of cholesterol.  

Hyman, M.  (3/21/14). Milk is Dangerous for your Health. drhyman. Retrieved on 3/10/2015

Mercola J. (7/26/11). Who knew this cocktail of up to 20 chemicals was in your glass?. articles.mercola. Retrieved on 3/11/15 from
Schmid, R. (Mar 07,2015). The Industrial Milk Factory. Factory-Farming. Retrieved on 3/10/15 from  

1 comment:

  1. This is very informative Valerie! Thank you for your research. I like your suggestions at the end. Almond milk is my favorite!
