Friday, March 27, 2015

Monster Energy Drinks

Monster Energy has been around since early 2002. They have made 34 different flavors. One 16oz can contains 160mg of caffeine. In 2011 a 14 year old died after drinking TWO large cans and her parents sued the company. There have been 5 possible deaths from drinking Monster; Monster Energy Drinks can cause heart attacks, trips to the E.R and death.
In the U.S nearly 21,000 people went to E.Rs after consuming energy drinks in 2011, according to a 2013 report from the Administration. K. Kaplan states in the article entitled “Energy drinks speed heart contractions.” This means that it has been proven that Monster Energy Drinks cause heart attacks. And there is even more proof about it.
Studies show that the ingredients have high caffeine and taurine and you can experience significantly increase heart contractions. D. Thompson states in the article entitled “Energy Drinks Affect heart.” “Healthy people who drank energy drinks high in caffeine and tourine experienced significantly rate. People who drink energy drinks should stop if they want to continue being healthy. The results to energy drinks could kill you.
Energy drinks have resulted a death of a young 14 year-old girl. B. Meier states in the article entitled “Monster Energy Drinks Cited Deaths.” “The records were recently obtained under the freedom of information. Act by the mother of a 14-year-old Maryland girl who died in December from a heart arrhymia after drinking large cans of Monster Energy.” All Energy drinks should have an age limit like alcohol. If deaths continue due to energy drinks. 
Kaplan, K. (12/03/13) Energy Drinks Speed  Heart Contractions, MRIs Show. Retrieved on March 10,2015 from
Meier, B. (10/22/12) Monster Energy Drink Cited in Deaths. Retrieved on March 12, 2015 from
Thompson, D. Energy Drinks Affect Heart, MRI, scan show. Webmd. Retrieved on March 10,2015 from

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