Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fast Food

Fast foods have sold for years in the United States and all over the world you can see them in vending machines in airports, rest stops, stadiums and hotels and more. People have been getting ill and dying by fast foods by what they contain. 

Scientists states in the article entitled Countering Fast Food says that “thousands of Americans get type 2 diabetes by the consumption of excess sugars and fats”. This has been increasing the epidemic of diet related diseases. One of the biggest ways to get type 2 diabetes is by being overweight. I believe fast foods should include a label with heir real ingredients they contain because these people get serious sickness and diabetes from these foods. This is important to know since we have a lot of fast food consumers who eat fast foods everyday.

Another problem people have with fast foods is obesity. Sarah Muntel RD states in the article entitled “OAC that “33.8 percent of the U.S population is affected by obesity” and 19 percent of children are also affected. Can fast foods be the reason why? I believe so because a big mac contains 540 calories and 29 g of fat and a burger king whopper contains 670 calories and 40 g of fat. This concerns me in many ways since obesity is one of the highest ways to reach a heart attack.

Fast foods can be addicting and act like a drug to the human body, Pietrangelo Ann  states in her article Break The Fast Food Habit  that there can be a solution to stop eating fast foods. You have to accept you have an addiction to any fast foods and consider what time of day you are stopping at fast foods restaurants. Start shopping for vegetables and make healthy meals. Fast foods are loaded with sugar and highly processed carbs. Stopping a habit that you enjoy may not be easy but it is beneficial to your body.

Do corporations that produce fast foods know about the consequences that they are placing upon people ? In the article Food Empowerment, Scientist state that corporations are aware of what they are doing, but they care about the money. “They have rapidly grown from a 6 billion industry to corporate juggernaut with $70 billion in annual revenues today. Fast food industry's economic clout has effect in radical shift in the country’s eating patterns but have fundamentally  alter their way food is produced”. I Think corporations should care more about humans rather than making money, and food that kills and gets humans diseases. Producers should also advertise the negative effects their food products contain.


Countering Fast Foods Health Effects. 2015. Corporate Accountability. Retrieved on 3-6-15.
Fast Foods. 2015. Food empowerment project. Retrieved on 3-9-15.
Pietrangelo Ann. Oct 22 2014. Break The Fast Food Habit. Health lines. Retrieved on 3-9-15.

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