Friday, March 27, 2015

McDonald's Nightmare

Many people really don’t know how unhealthy McDonald’s really is. However, everyone seems to eat it because of how convenient and affordable McDonald’s is. McDonald’s is really unhealthy and people should know how unhealthy is before they eat it.

People don’t know what is in McDonald’s fast food. But almost everyone has eaten a Happy Meal in their life, haven’t you?  The drive-thru makes it so tempting when you’re hungry or in a hurry to just grab something easy and filling to eat and you’re not thinking about what’s in the food. M. Cook states in the article entitled Shocking ingredients in McDonald’s French Fries that, contrary to what McDonald’s may claim in its slogan, I’m not loving it!” This quote is saying that when you go to McDonald’s, you don’t know about all the chemicals and other stuff in the food that has been discovered that people do not know about. For instance, there is citric acid, dimethypolysiloxane, dextrose and socium acid used in their fries. I have no idea what that stuff is, but why not just use potatoes?  I think they should care more about the quality and not the quantity of their food.

 McDonald’s also has a lot of fat in their sandwiches, which can add to our epidemic of obesity. K Schaub states in the article Fast Food and Digestion The extra fat, salt and sugar require more effort for you to digest”. So not only does the fat make you obese, it slows down your metabolism, and can cause other health problems. It can damage your kidneys because of all the sodium (salt) it has in it and can even give you high blood pressure over time. But what I found out that made me the most scared was that eating all this fat food and salt can even cause liver damage. And liver damage can kill you. This makes me think twice about eating McDonald’s, but at the same time you don’t think about it at the moment. Maybe they should have warnings on the food packages, but they are not going to because It’s bad for business

If you weren’t scared off by the fat and salt, McDonald’s has also used sub-standard meat products known as pink slime. M. Cooke states in the article Disgusting Ingredients in McDonald’s Burgers, that meat scraps and sinew are spun in a centrifuge and washed with ammonium hydroxide, which has also become known as pink slime”. Ammonium hydroxide is a chemical used to clean things, and also in fertilizer. What are they doing using it in meat???? According to Oliver, a famous chef, 70% of ground beef in the US has pink slime in it, but we don’t know because it’s not listed in the ingredients. I think that’s disgusting, and it should be stopped now.

In summary, I probably am going to eat at McDonald’s again. But before I go, I’m going to think 

twice about it and maybe think twice about what I order, maybe get the salad.

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