slime has been around since 2001. Companies found a way to start using pink
slime from left overs meat even though that seems bad because they are
basically just giving people poison. Pink slime has been used in fast food
restaurants; it’s bad for your health because of bacteria, but is used in
school lunches around the country.
slime carries pathogenic bacteria. Phyllis Entis states the following in the
article entitled “What’s wrong with pink
slime: “Pink slime uses trimmings, and they put ammonia in the meat to
cover up the smell and bacteria; however, they know this is bad for people to
eat. They spin the meat with fat and thrown away parts of meat at high
temperatures to melt it, and then make slime. They make patties and hot dogs
and fast foods. So why are we eating this?” Pink slime is obviously gross. But
hot dogs and hamburgers taste good. When you’re out partying at a BBQ drinking
a cold beverage, nothing taste better than a burger. You’re not thinking about it’s
from. People should be more aware of where their food comes from so they won’t
get sick.
children eat a lot of pink slime. The USDA recently bought 7 million pounds of
pink slime for school lunches. Menendez states in the article entitled” USDA decision on pink slim” that, “all
it takes is a picture of pink slime to understand a parents concerns that this
product doesn’t belong in our school lunches”. Why are they buying pink slime
if they know it’s bad? It’s treated with ammonia because they have been in
contact fecal matter (poop) “connective tissue”. That’s nasty the meat is
actually coming from animals' butts! People should think about that while they
are eating, that you are eating meat that comes from the cow's butt.
make pink slime out of the outside trimmings, which have more, bacteria and
e-coli. The article “schools can opt out
of pink slime beef from life says that, “there is only one word
for this product, gross. Pink slime is likely to come in contact with bacteria such
as salmonella that’s harmful strains of E-coli. E-coli can cause food poisoning
mild to serve diarrhea, vomiting and can cause kidney failure. That’s all bad, getting e-coli of having
kidney failure is a bad thing. Food poisoning is not a good either, you throw
up and can’t go out
Menendez USDA'S decision on pink slime, a good first step, but more needs to be done (3/15/12) www.menendz 3/9/15
Phyllis Entis what's wrong with pink slime? (march 12,12)
Life science school can opt out of pink slime beef www.lifescience .com/36367-pink-slime-bad-health (may 18, 2012)
Menendez USDA'S decision on pink slime, a good first step, but more needs to be done (3/15/12) www.menendz 3/9/15
Phyllis Entis what's wrong with pink slime? (march 12,12)
Life science school can opt out of pink slime beef www.lifescience .com/36367-pink-slime-bad-health (may 18, 2012)
The Research is ver impressive