Thursday, March 26, 2015


Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (RBGH) is a growth hormone which is injected into dairy cows to increase their milk production. RBGH, has been proven to cause cancer in people through consumption of tanted dairy products. There are several negative effects of milk consumption such as RBGH. I think the dairy industry should stop using RBGH because of the dangerous side effects.  

Monsato sold RBGH to Eli Lily, who is trying to brain wash us that RBGH is safe. The article “Strangely like fiction” from states that “The fight over RBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) continues even under new ownership”. The company Eli Lily is trying to convince people that RBGH is safe. They sponsored (paid for) people in medicine to write a paper that said RBGH was safe. The paper contained lies and claimed that American cancer society said it was safe, which is a big lie. It’s scandalous how the Milk Industry will lie to everybody drinking milk.

One nasty negative effect of drinking milk, is that milk contains cancer causing hormones. The article “RBGH” from says that, “Milk is a deadly poison”. RBGH in milk can cause Prostate, Breast, Colorectal and other Cancers. It also causes Mastitis in cows which is the infection in their utters this results in us having antibiotics and puss in our milk. Researching about all these types of things we don’t know about what’s in milk makes me feel and think milk is nasty! And I would never let milk pass my lips!.

People drink milk because they think it’s really healthy, they also think it’s a good source of calcium. The article “Is milk really healthy for you” from say’s that “as a nutritionist, I’ve found most men thrive on milk”. This article states that a study by the University of Tennessee say’s milk is a good source of Calcium and vitamin D. It also has a fat-burning effects. I don’t trust this article, and would not drink milk to get calcium because you can get cancer too.

RBGH has been caused to cause cancer when used in dairy cows. What I think about it is that of course they should stop using it in cow because it’s not right and it causes lots of problems in the cows and the people that drink their milk. I also think the dairy industry should not lie to people about the hormones and about milk in general. They lie about calcium and that milk is good for you. I think it should be illegal to tell lies to the American consumers about the food that we are eating.
Aragon , A (2010). Is Milk Really Healthy For You? . MH list. Retrieved on March 6, 2015 from 

Latham , J (6/17/13). Strangely Like Friction : Sponsored Academics Admit Fasley Claiming Dairy Hormone Safety Retrieved on March 23, 2015 from

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone. Retrieved on March 6, 2016 from

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