Thursday, March 26, 2015

Factory Farming

March 24, 2015

Worldwide meat production has tripled over the past four decades and has increased by 20 percent in just the last 10 years. There has been a documentary released on my topic named Earthlings. Factory farming not only hurts the animals but humans as well. Animal wastes is funneled into what is known as a Waste Lagoon which often leaks sending dangerous bacteria into water supplies. Sometimes waste is sprayed into the land and used as fertilizer but it still send out hazardous substances into our atmosphere for us to breath in.

Factory animals are being treated poorly. In the documentary entitled Earthlings states that “In transportation, animals are packed so tightly they are practically on top of one another.” This is important to know because the more people find out, the more they will fight against it and stop factory farming. The way these animals are being treated can be compared to the way people were treated during the Holocaust.

Conditions in factory farms are horrifying and unsanitary. In the documentary entitled Earthlings the author states that “Milking cows are tied onto their stalls all day long receiving no exercise.” This is cruel and inhumane. Picture yourself being tied up to your bed with a machine pressed against your chest for every minute of every day without the ability to move or side to side or at least to turn around. Cows are not the only animals suffering the abuse and neglect of factory farmers.

Chickens are one of the victims of factory farming. Broom states in the article entitled Modern Animal Farming that “Without Anastasia farmers cut off a third of the beak of an egg-laying hen to avoid hens from pecking at each other” (Broom, 2007). In addition Broom states that “The birds suffer severe pain for weeks and some even starve because they are unable to eat” (Broom, 2007). This is not only cruel but disturbing. Animals are all being tortured their whole lives when they did nothing wrong.  What’s the purpose of all this? To satisfy other human needs?

All factory farms are dirty, filled with diseases, and countless deaths of innocent victims. Animals are being tortured to death and some continue living their lives with open and infected wounds. On an average, one vegan can save up to 900 animals yearly. Now if most people ate less meat and more veggies and fruits; the meat industry will start decreasing and less lives would be taken away. One person can make a difference. Will you?

Broom, D. (11/2/2007). Modern Animal Farming. Retrieved on (03/10/ 2015) from

Cantrell, K. (08/06/2013). Isn't This Illegal? Retrieved on (03/09/2015) from
Bershadker, M. (01/06/2014). What Happens in the Factory Farm Shouldn't Stay in the Factory Farm. Retrieved on (03/09/2015) from

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