Friday, March 27, 2015

Factory Farming by Brian F

          March 27, 2015   
                Worldwide meat production has tripled over the last four decades and increased by 20 percent in just 10 years factory farming is bad for the environment and animals. The government is not doing anything about it.
                Factory farming animals are getting treated poorly. Brown D. states in the article entitled “Factory farming” they’re not doing their job right because the animals are getting killed with no respect. Also the factory farmers are killing calves. Brown stated, “97% of the 10 billion animals tortured and killed each year are animals”. This in important because the animals are getting treaded poorly killed every year they don’t get a chance to live over year because factory farmers are killing them with no respect.
Conditions in factory farms are terrible. What happens in factory farming? In the factory farming there vicious abuse and neglect atrocious conditions disease and agonizing death. In 2011 a video was shot inside of a turkey farm in North Carolina. The video was voile and terrified everywhere there were turkeys being kicked tossed from trucks to trees being dragged on the floor.
The chickens are getting the worst treatment. Layer chickens lay 90-95% of the eggs sold in the U.S. Knew born chickens are pleased on a conveyor belt where a worker picks each one up to see if it is male or female. New born males are placed in trash bags and suffocated decapitated gassed crushed or ground up alive. Knew born females are placed back on the belt the next worker then picks up the female chick holds her up to a machines hot iron which cuts off her beak and then puts her back on the belt

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