Friday, March 27, 2015

Factory farming waste

            Over the past few years mass production waste from factory farming has caused problems all around the world. Factory farming is a system of rearing livestock using intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs, or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions.
            Factory farming is producing more manure than the soil can handle. According to the EPA, “a single dairy cow produces about 120 pounds of wet manure per day, equivalent to 20-40 people”. Farmers usually use animal manure to fertilize their fields but factory farming produces too much waste for the land to handle, making it a problem for the agriculture industry and society. Much of society is exposed to these problems such as agriculture chemicals.
                Farmers are putting agriculture chemicals on the plants that cows eats. The article pollution (water, air, chemicals) on stated that “many agriculture chemicals are known carcinogens, while others cause severe allergies, birth defects, and various health problems”. People that live near factory farms are inhaling poop, but how did it get into the air?
            Farmers are facing a lot of consequences from the leakage of manure from “brown lagoons” that they are coming up with new ways of getting rid of it. The article “Meat production waste natural resources” from it says that “cattle poop and urine is being sprayed into the air as mist forcing nearby towns to inhale this air”. Spraying mist into the air is horrible, it’s irresponsible and unfair to the people who live around factory farms.
            Factory farming waste has caused many problems from producing too much manure to having dangerous agriculture chemicals, and spraying mist with urine and poop. These problems have been in the shadow of something that’s looked at as a good thing. Personally I think these farmers are doing this to make money off of the world, there are different ways to raise farm animals and it’s been mentioned before.
Pollution (water, air, chemicals) (2015) Food empowerment project. Retrieved on 3/6/2015 from
Meat production waste natural resources (2015) People of the ethical treatment of animals. Retrieved on 3/12/2015 from .

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