Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is candy really that bad for you?

            The first candy was made in 1519 in Mexico but the creators didn’t know is that it is unhealthy to eat. But in the 1990s researchers found what caused candy to be bad for the body. But is candy really bad for you and your health? Candy has many pros and cons that impact the human body. One of the pros is that it decreases the risk of heart attack, and one of the cons is that it is bad for your teeth.
            One positive aspect of that it can help people live longer. Hubbard states in the article entitled “9 ways candy is good for you” that, “Eating chocolate decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39 percent” (Hubbard, 2013). If a person eats 1 chocolate bar a week he or she can lower the risk of the heart attacks this means people should do it so they can live longer and don’t have to worry about get heart attacks and strokes.
            Candy can be bad for people because it can mess up one’s body. UCSB states in the article entitled “What makes candy bad for you?” (2014) that candy, “Can damage eyes and kidneys and slow down blood circulation”. Eating candy daily can damage your body. People shouldn’t eat candy daily so there won’t be any problem with their eyes such as seeing problems and their kidneys won’t be damaged. The slowing of blood circulation is bad because it can cause death.
            Candy is so addicting because of all the fructose and dopamine. Brantley states in the article entitled “Sugar as addictive as cocaine” that, “Companies replaced fat with sugar which = stress on dopamine hormones= sugar craving” (Brantley, 2015). Candy has dopamine and sugar which causes cravings and this is why kids should not eat candy because of the stress and sugar kids don’t need stress. The companies should just leave the fat in candy instead of having fructose and dopamine.
             As one can see candy does have many pros and cons that impact the body. This should give consumers something to think about as they go to 711 to buy candy or other junk food because the other food do the same.

Brantley, H. (01/15/15). Sugar as addictive as cocaine. World now. Retrieved on 3/10/2015 from
Hubbard, S. (2013) 9 ways candy is good for you. Newsmax.com. Retrieved on March 5, 2015
What makes candy bad for you? (2014). UCSB.edu. Retrieved on March 9 2015 from



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